A memo obtained by The SullivanTimes reveals that County Manager Josh Potosek is encouraging all county employees to wear masks while at work when they can't socially distance, following an announcement earlier this week by Public Health Director Nancy McGraw.
While Potosek was wearing a mask today at a Special Meeting of the Legislature, Chair Rob Doherty along with Vice Chair Michael Brooks and legislators George Conklin III, Nicholas Salamone Jr. and Alan Sorensen were not, even though they were not seated six feet apart. Legislator Joe Perrello had.a mask on his chin and wore it some of the time today.
Potosek said in his memo that he is not ready to mandate wearing of masks - even as Covid-19 cases have vastly increased in Sullivan the past few weeks due to the Delta variant. He added that the County is following the New York State Department of Health guidelines on the wearing of masks which "supercede the CDC" guidance.
"What's also smart and scientifically proven," Potosek wrote, "is getting vaccinated against COVID-19. No vaccine offers 100 percent protection but I trust the science that says it is far more effective than not vaccinating."
Potosek also seemed to leave the door open, even if slightly, for mandatory vaccinations for county employees.
"Vaccines are not mandated at the moment," he wrote. "But if your doctor says you can take it, I encourage you to get it. I remain very glad that I did. And to be perfectly frank, if active cases keep rising, I wouldn't be surprised that many places will require proof of vaccinations to gain access."
As of this evening, there are 107 active cases of coronavirus in the County, according to the latest dashboard data. That's the most since late April 2021.
