NARROWSBURG - Approximately eight acres of the historic Ten Mile River Scout Camps property in Narrowsburg - owned by the Greater New York Councils/Boy Scouts of America (BSA) - has been sold to "Ten Mile River Enterprises, Inc.", owned by Rick Lander of Lander's River Trips.
That's according to a bargain and sale deed filed on Thursday with the Sullivan County Clerk's Office that was signed on September 14.
The sale is believed to be part of a nationwide "selloff" of property tied to the BSA's bankruptcy filing in early 2020. The bankruptcy was triggered by some 82,000 claims of child sex abuse by former scouts at the hands of adult scout leaders from across the country over decades.
Some of that abuse occurred in Narrowsburg, including by a priest, as previously reported by The SullivanTimes.
The SullivanTimes early Friday reached out to both Lander and Greater Council CEO Richard Davies for comment about the transaction.
In May, the BSA and The Conservation Fund announced plans for the Fund to acquire 6,100 acres of the 12,000 acre-camp that for nearly a century has been known as Ten Mile River.
In a July interview with WAMC, Davies said the deal with The Conservation Fund was due to decreased camping connected to the COVID-19 crisis.
In September, a Delaware bankruptcy judge gave final approval for the BSA's reorganization plan, that called for the organization to pay out more than $2.4 billion in compensation to the tens of thousands of child sex abuse victims.
